13 schools in Belitung starting from elementary, middle to high school levels have status as Adiwiyata Schools in 2022. The handover of the Adiwiyata School plaques was carried out in the courtyard of the Belitung Regency Environmental Service, on Thursday (15/12/2022). The handover was given to Adiwiyata schools at the district, provincial and national levels.

Deputy Regent of Belitung, Isyak Meirobie, said that with the Adiwiyata School predicate, schools in Belitung could always improve. This is done with awareness by all elements of the school, both principals, teachers and students.

The awareness to protect the environment the correct lifestyle

orientation towards a sustainable and sustainable Phone Number List environment is increasingly proven by the establishment of Adiwiayata,” said Vice Regent Isyak.

Wabup Isyak said there had to be a new way to attract young people’s interest in managing waste. This system is being built by the Regent and Deputy Regent.

Earlier I Said We Make a Garbage Bank, the Children Collect Garbage. At Their House or at School. Then They Get Points, the Point is They Can Exchange. Them for Playing Games Outside School,” Said Wabup Isyak.

The Head of the Environmental Service, Yasa, Said That the Status. Of the Adiwiyata School Would Be an Honor. For the School Management.

He said that a school that has the status of an Adiwiyata school must meet several criteria.

Deputy for archival conservation of ANRI Dr Kandar  AP confirmed this

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He mentioned that there were many manuscripts inherited from B2B Lead Indonesia, and Belitung in particular was still abroad. For this reason, he will bridge the Belitung Regency Government and Archive Institutions in the Netherlands and several other countries to obtain the manuscript.

Kandar also mentions that in the Sumber Citra manuscript, he describes Belitung’s history, culture and landscape.

“Belitung has a lot of uniqueness both in terms of history, culture and geology,” said Kandar.

In addition to receiving the Belitung Regency Image Source Manuscript Documents in the archives, ANRI also proclaimed Belitung to be one of the areas that is part of the National Archive Awareness Movement Apart from infrastructure.

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