When Browsing Your Favorite News. Websites, Using Social Media or Receiving E-mails, You Probably Don’t Think. About How It All Works. For People Who Don’t Deal. With Programming on a Daily Basis, It May Be Black. Magic, So It’s Not Worth Bothering With, Right? There are many mechanisms responsible for the operation of websites, but in most cases the basis is the HTML tag.

The origins of this issue date back to the 1980s, when physicist Tim Berners-Lee created a prototype of a hypertext information system. After many improvements and modifications, the first publicly available version of HTML appeared in 1991 . Today, websites could not exist without it. What is HTML and how does it work?

How to create a website using the HTML markup language

Let’s start with what the term HTML actually means . The abbreviation comes from the English B2B Lead expression “HyperText Markup Language”, which in Polish means “hypertext markup language”. It looks complicated at first glance, so it’s worth breaking this expression into two parts:

Hypertext (HyperText) – this means that it concerns the creation of hypertext documents. And what is such a document? It contains content that can automatically redirect the user to other information using hyperlinks, or links.
Markup Language – this is a language that uses tags to create the structure of hypertext, giving its individual elements a semantic meaning.

Page Allows You to Perform a Task or Interact

HTML is the basis for creating websites, it is responsible for what the content on the B2B Lead page that is displayed to users looks like. Thanks to it, ordinary text on the Internet can acquire a completely different structure. The HTML markup language allows you to add elements such as:

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is often associated with programming. Even though markup language and programming language refer to the same thing, i.e. creating websites, they are not the same concepts.

HTML is responsible for the structure of information contained on a website – it can give individual text fragments certain features (bold, heading, etc.). However, it is not responsible for the website’s functions. This means that HTML is not used to design and handle user interactions with a website.

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