The Belitung Regency Government received the manuscript of the Regency Image Source from the National Archives Institute of the Republic of Indonesia. Receiving this document was carried out in the Belitung Regency Government meeting room, Friday (23/12/2022).

The Head of the Belitung Regency Library and Archives Service, Paryanta said that the donation of the Belitung Regency Source Citra manuscript from ANRI would be a good reference for the history of Belitung.

Hopefully it can add to our insights and the insights of the younger

Generation regarding Belitung’s history and archives Latest Mailing Database said Paryanta. Meanwhile, the Regent of Belitung, Sahani Saleh expressed his gratitude for giving this manuscript. The Regent said that every form of archive is a big picture collectively related to people’s lives.

“Hopefully the archives in the form of text, maps, and photos regarding Belitung Regency will become one of the formulations of local wisdom owned by the region, and become a single unit of information that describes collective dynamics above historical awareness,” said Regent Sahani.

However, Regent Sahani said that many manuscripts and historical objects related to Belitung were still abroad. This is closely related to the history of Belitung and the history of tin mining in the Netherlands and several other European countries.

The conditions specified in the laws and regulations for obtaining remission

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Are Article 34 PP Number 32 of 1999. That is, every B2B Lead convict and criminal child has the right to receive remission, provided that they have good behavior and have served a criminal term of more than 6 months.

The reason why we did not apply for remission for the Christmas Day remissions was because they had not yet received a verdict or were still in prison status. Meanwhile, one other prisoner was a recidivist who failed to undergo the Parole Integration Program (PB). The Person Concerned Gets a Decree on the Revocation. Of Pb in the Year When the Remission is Granted. So That the Person Concerned Can Only. Be Submitted for the Right to Remission in the Third Year When. Serving a New Criminal Sentence.

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