He wrote, with a mastery that has not gone unnotic, hundrs of letters to Théo, the brother who support him financially and who sent him the canvases and paints with which the wayward Vincent recreat the world that his artist’s eyes and soul perceiv. another way. Those letters were publish under the simple title of Letters to Théo . In his letters he put life. As in his paintings of him. Sometimes plung into melancholy, struck by fatality, incomprehension and the fervent desire for the absolute, he wrote to his brother lines like these: «What am I in the eyes of most people? –a nonentity or an eccentric or unpleasant man– someone who has no place in society nor will he have one; In short, little less than nothing.

Cruel and Impassive

 He fell in love with his cousin Kee. She, who had been widow at a young age, always reject him. Vincent look for her b2b leads insistently, but her family kept her away from him. One day he went to visit her; Out of courtesy they receiv him, but told him that she was resting. Vincent plac her hand over the flame of a candle and begg to be allow to see her only as long as he could endure the burning heat of the fire.

Passage of Time on This

 Scar, they expell him from there. At the end of 1887 and beginning of 1888, what, according to Jaspers (2001), would be a picture of psychosis would manifest. The incident that heralds the beginning of the disease would occur in Arles. After B2B Lead a crisis during which he tri to attack Gauguin with a knife, he cut off his ear, and after barely containing the bleing, he put on a Basque hat, put the ear in an envelope, went to the town brothel and He gave her to a prostitute.

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