How to prepare an interview with a potential client for a large project. I think I’ve talked in the past about the process of finding consulting projects in Germany. There are platforms where freelance work is offered. These are usually proposals where you work intensively with a single client between 1-5 days per week. In my case I am lucky that these days many proposals are coming to me without having moved.

Research the person who will do the interview

How to prepare an research the person who will do the interview I am always interested in knowing the person behind the company that will interview me. Just as companies top people data investigate. Therefore, me i like to do the same with companies. It is important that the project fits at the people level. The work environment is important. In the end you can’t see this through. Therefore, a LinkedIn pagebut at least you get an idea of ​​who you are going to meet and their journey.

Investigate and understand the company behind it

Investigate and understand the company behind. Therefore, it It is one thing to connect with the person you are going to meet in the company and another thing is to have informed yourself well about the company that wants to hire you. This part is even more important because there is nothing worse B2B Lead than arriving at an interview and having not even reviewed the website to understand the client’s business. It also shows your interest which is the basis for any relationship.

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