There was never a person who was depriv of so many things in his short life: affection, words, the colors of nature, crying, joy; that is, of all the faculties that form and model the soul of a man . Something closer to us is the film by German filmmaker Werner Herzog, The Enigma of Gaspar Hauser (Germany, 1974). In this there is a prominance of the description of the short life of the protagonist and not of the moral judgment or the legal norm on the events that occurr.

I Was Filled with the

The title itself invites us to reflect on the circumstances that surround the young Gaspar, in particular, and on human nature, in general. The importance of the social aspect in the development of our faculties, human kindness plac in the care of a defenseless young man, human evil in the face of a defenseless young man. We do not have certain information about his life, but we do have many questions. Who took care of him in earl business database childhood? Whoever confin him in a dark basement, was he torturing him or was he guarding him from further harm? Who would be interest in doing him irrevocable harm? Let us note that Von Feuerbach draws attention to the legal aspect, the kidnapping and mistreatment of Gaspar Hauser, but also to the moral aspect.

Longing for a Better Star in

 Beyond good intentions, a man cannot deprive another of the development of his faculties . Werner Herzog does not stop at the legal or moral sentence in the film, but rather at the legal, moral or aesthetic reflection that we can make. The enigma of B2B Lead Gaspar Hauser invites us to reconsider the goodness and beauty of a life in all its splendor . Gaspar Hauser di from a stab wound by an unknown person six years after arriving in Nuremberg. Nobody was interest in finding the culprit.

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