Where should shipping costs appear in an online store

Where should shipping costs appear.  Up to that point the plan was not bad but there may be a problem. A niche may be too small to begin with and does not provide you with minimal growth potential to reach the next step. My main argument for not starting in a broader market segment was

Frequently asked questions that should appear in the FAQs of your online store

Frequently asked questions that should. I take advantage of the email I just sent to a Beguerilla customer about frequently asked questions in an online store. It is a topic that I have touched on from different angles but until now without publishing an entry with a list that contains some specific examples of questions

How to organize a lead capture campaign for this Black Friday

How to organize a lead capture campaign for.  In case you hadn’t heard yet. Next week is Black Friday. It falls on Friday the 24th this year to be more specific. It is one of the highest billing days of the year. If you have an online store you want to be prepared. Both in

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Java programming language that will help developers write applications. Special editions of the platform are Java Micro Edition, Java Card, Java Enterprise Edition and Java Standard Edition. Differences between Java and .NET Although they are very similar in some aspects, there are a series of differences in the inner workings of the two platforms. Windows

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NET architecture serves as the software framework for executing and developing applications on server operating systems and Windows clients. It provides a set of properties and functions designed for running and creating applications on the Windows platform. However, it also helps facilitate proper connections to other non-Windows systems. The platform consists of 5 core components.

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Applications, followed by shopping platforms, auctions or classified ads (87 .9%) and email (73.5%). Furthermore, data from the Adsmovi l study reveal that consumers not only use their mobile phones for entertainment, but that they are another device in their purchasing habits. In the last week, 40% of shoppers used their mobile device to shop