Visualize the entire architecture, watch over the quality of the code, ensure the security of web development, and help developers find technical errors and solve problems. A tech lead is a person in the project team who combines technical knowlge with management skills. Source: Contrary to appearances, this does not mean that the tech lead is omniscient.

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He has no right to know the answer to every question about the project because he is not always involv in the smallest details. Instead, it has insight into the overall workflow and provides technological knowhow. Technical leaders usually progress China Mobile Database through the career ladder, starting as programmers or interns. This is valuable because they share the fate of their teammates, know the standards and procures from their own experience, and are able to look at tasks from different perspectives. What is the role of a tech lead in IT projects? A tech lead is an essential link in a development team.

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Together with a good project manager, he organizes work in the software department, but focuses more on technical aspects. Depending B2B Lead on the project, he works with developers, QA testers and product designers. Let’s take a closer look at the role and responsibilities of a tech lead. Setting the technical direction for the project The technical leader is present from the very beginning of the project right next to the project manager.

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