UK universities decided to test whether it is possible to increase levels of intellectual humility. To do this, they used a method called meaning assertion. In this approach, volunteers reflect on one or more personal values, such as freedom, equality, family, or safety. Previous research has shown that even brief reflection on this can help keep an open mind to the opinions of others. One set writes values, the other writes drinks. and divided them into groups of two or three.

Subjects were asked to complete a series of

Psychological questionnaires to assess their personality traits, intellectual humility, and self-esteem. Half of the participants were then asked to reflect on their most important value and write about how it was important to their life and how it influenced their Chad Email List behavior. The other half of the experiment participants wrote down their attitudes toward tea and coffee, but not their values. Volunteers then held a minute-long group discussion on the pros and cons of raising college tuition. It turned out that the participants in the experiment who considered the values ​​before the discussion showed more humility during the argument than those who considered the drinks.

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Those in the first group were

More supportive of other speakers, tried not to dominate, and were less likely o take their views as hard facts. Intellectual humility expands horizons Research B2b Lead clearly shows that simply reflecting on values ​​can increase intellectual humility in conversations. More than half ( ) of the representatives of the first group exhibited it. To a greater degree than those of the second group. According to the researchers, a person doesn’t need to avoid discussing controversial topics, they just need to change the way they approach them: Intellectual humility is the acceptance of one’s own shortcomings out of a sincere desire for knowledge and truth.

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