If you look at the first version of the monogram, it had a certain warlike air, and throughout its evolution the essence of the monogram has been maintain until reaching the present version today. Another example of a monogram that i couldn’t fail to mention is tolkien’s monogram. If you have read any of his novels, you will surely be familiar with this monogram with the author’s initials. Example anagrams acronyms some examples of acronyms acronyms and monograms now, i think it is also important that we learn, since they cannot be categoriz in the same way and it is convenient to know the difference.

We have previously reflect

Acronyms are anagrams where the contraction process of the words has been more abrupt, so the result will only contain the first letter of each word. Like monograms, acronyms are nothing more than logos made up of a set of letters, where, as i just mention, each letter usually corresponds to a word, but unlike these, the letters are usually distinguish separately and, most importantly, , there is no clear intention to create a symbol with them. Here are a few Bulk SMS UK examples of acronyms that reflect very well what i just told you. 7 tips when designing monograms so far we have come with the introduction to monograms and all the examples that i want to show you, but what should we value when designing one on our own.

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Which works as a logo for a company

When we find ourselves with the ne to design a monogram, we will have to follow the same guidelines appli to logo design. Do you remember what the 7 characteristics of a good logo were? I have an article, precisely where i develop them B2B Lead for you in detail: 7 characteristics to design a good logo today. Now, if that were the case and we are looking to design a monogram to act as a potential logo for a company, it is important that and are clear about why we opt for this solution and not another, when developing the logo for our client.

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