To achieve this familiarity between the company and the logo, time has a decisive influence. It is not a process that is achiev overnight. When presenting a brand, in some situations we will come across clients who demand that your graphic proposal transmit emotions or feelings to them. But you must make them understand that since it is a new graphic representation, unrelat to the company until now, the new logo will never have to our clients. How can we avoid ending up with a problem customer when introducing a brand? Do not panic, there are what is the right path to take, so that they can understand that the proposals present are a better solution to their problem.

The capacity to transmit any emotion

Get as far ahead of this scenario as possible. Reflect on the attitude in which you present your work. You are the expert, the graphic designer. Have confidence. Don’t be afraid to show your point of view. You must be there, to take your client by Belgium B2B List the hand at all times. You must teach him why everything present is simple, the reasons why you have chosen that path and your strategy to follow. In this way we will avoid doubts about the focus of the proposals. B. It shows the paths other renown brands have taken. Show him how logo designs have evolv and how simplicity is increasingly present in identity.

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That these symbols can become

This method will allow the client to put their subjectivity aside and try to observe more reasonably the natural progression of a logo. Show him how the progression of a logo over time always goes from something more illustrative and detail, to something B2B Lead more iconic and simple, more symbolic. There are several reasons, from the fact more registrable, to the fact that a simple symbol produces more pregnancy. It becomes more memorable. So, from both a brand ownership and functionality perspective, creating a simpler, more iconic logo works better.

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