Cause a lot of distress to those who encounter them. In social networks you can find posts of people who have not recover their sense of smell for a long time, which is why they cannot eat normally, because any food or even ordinary water is disgusting. In the most severe cases, such problems can lead to severe weight loss and comorbidities. Not surprisingly, anosmia communities have sprung up online, where participants share new and proven ways to get rid of anosmia. Unfortunately, there is no cure for anosmia in the form of a pill or injection. But there’s good news.

Unlike many other neurons olfactory

Neurons can recover. In addition, our central nervous system is plastic, it can learn. That is, the brain has to figure out how to relearn to smell like it us to. From our Czechia Email List current experience, this ability of neurons will be restor sooner or later. : Let’s imagine a situation where you downsizing at work and you get some functionality of other employees. Before, you didn’t deal with such tasks at all, but after a  up for the deficiencies. The brain is essentially the same collection of neurons, and if you greatly simplify it.

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Some neurons are able to take over

The functions of other neurons. It is in this connection that B2b Lead he recovery stories are often amazing: this is especially true for children after the most difficult surgeries on the brain, when a large amount of tissue is remov, but after a while the child starts to function well and recovers. The same happens after a stroke in adults. Clearly, if the stroke is catastrophic in terms of volume, there are limits to recovery. Brain cells die, they disappear, and if you google how to deal with anosmia, the main advice you’ll come across is smell training with essential oils and other simple, bright scents.

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